A Beginners Guide to Blueberries

With their delicious berries and beautiful foliage, blueberry plants are an excellent choice for beginning gardeners and seasoned farmers alike. The North American natives thrive from coast to coast and require minimal care and pest control.  You can enjoy the fruit during the harvest season, and in the fall the foliage can turn an eye-catching…


Blueberries bring a unique combination of delicious fruit and striking ornamental beauty to the garden and landscape. They are easy to grow, require little care, and are seldom bothered by pests. Blueberry varieties are distinguished by their climate suitability and ripening season. With a few basic steps, your blueberry plants can thrive for a lifetime.…


Strawberries are easy to grow, and they are high in Vitamin C and anti-oxidants. The two main types include June-bearing and everbearing. June-bearers produce one high-yielding crop per year, early in the summer. This one large crop makes them ideal for canning and freezing. The second main type is the everbearers. Everbearers basically produce two…


Raspberries are easy to grow, highly productive and quite delicious. They come in two varieties: spring bearing and ever bearing. The spring bearing varieties are perfect for fresh eating and for food preserving/canning, as the fruit ripens all at once within a short period of time. The ever bearing varieties are wonderful eaten fresh throughout…